Does your website “work” on mobile?
Did you know that 65% of all digital media time is now spent on mobile devices/smart phones? That means that your website better be mobile friendly or you will certainly lose visitors. You don’t want to turn away potential traffic or sales, just because your website hasn’t been updated yet, do you? Clean Web Design…Read the Rest »
Don’t let duplicate “Google Places” listings reduce your local rank
Why are Duplicates So Bad? The biggest problem with duplicate listings is that they tend to spread ranking data in the form of reviews, citations, pictures, and user generated content across the different duplicate listings. So, instead of having one strong listing you end up with a couple mediocre listings that will struggle to rank….Read the Rest »
One in five Google searches seek local information
According to Google’s John Hanke, “One fifth of searches on Google are related to location, which shows that people are looking to the Internet to make decisions about where to go and what to do in their daily lives.” If your small business doesn’t have a web presence, or if you haven’t tweaked your site…Read the Rest »